The secret to a successful job search? ‘Don’t care so much,’ says career coach

It takes a lot of time to prepare applications, networking with strangers is a necessary evil,

and getting rejected or ghosted by a firm may be painful. Finding a new job can be difficult.

Although rejection in the job search is unavoidable, it can be difficult to avoid feeling dejected or despairing

when it occurs and to see it as a sign of personal weakness.

According to career consultant Emily Liou, the biggest barrier preventing people from getting their dream job is a fear of rejection and failure.

According to Liou, changing your perspective is the key to getting over this anxiety. Don't be too concerned, she exclaims.

Reminding yourself that a rejection isn't personal and that you will eventually find

a wonderful job or something even better is the finest state from which to approach your search as a jobseeker.

The secret to a successful job search? ‘Don’t care so much,’ says career coach