West Bengal NEET UG counselling 2022 registration complete schedule
पश्चिम बंगाल के चिकित्सा शिक्षा निदेशक ने अस्थायी पश्चिम बंगाल NEET UG 2022 परामर्श कार्यक्रम की घोषणा की है।
एमबीबीएस प्रवेश के लिए राष्ट्रीय पात्रता सह प्रवेश परीक्षा (एनईईटी यूजी 2022) उत्तीर्ण करने वाले उम्मीदवार
22 अक्टूबर, 2022 से आधिकारिक वेबसाइट wbmcc.nic.in/ug पर पंजीकरण कर सकेंगे।
West Bengal NEET UG counselling schedule
Events: Publication of notice
Round 1: October 21, 2022
Events: Registration
Round 1: 4 pm of October 22 to midnight of 25, 2022
Events: Verification of document
Round 1: October 25 to 28, 11 am to 4 pm
Events: Publication of seat matrix
Round 1: October 28 by 6 pm
Events: Provisional merit list
Round 1: October 28 by 6 pm
Events: Final merit list
Round 1: October 29 by 12-noon
Events: Online choice filling and locking
Round 1: From 2 pm of October 29 to 7 pm of October 31
Events: Declaration of result
Round 1: November 1, after 6 pm
Events: Reporting at allotted institutes by candidates who are allotted seats in Round I
Round 1: November 2, 3, and 4, 2022 (11 am to 4 pm)